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For the Future Environment of Yokohama

Última data atualizada: 2021/9/2

Since the period of rapid economic growth after World WarⅡ, Yokohama has continued to tackle the serious issues of pollution.
In our world today, we are facing new environmental issues such as climate change, the natural disasters that accompany it, loss in biodiversity and more.
Para controlar estes problemas e passar nosso ambiente inestimável a gerações futuras, nós formulamos um plano ambiental inclusivo, o "Yokohama Plano de Administração Ambiental." Neste plano, nós pusemos 3 perspectivas cruz-secionais, "Cidadãos / Local Comunidades", "Economia", "Desenvolvimento de Cidade", e está trabalhando nossas políticas em coordenação íntima.

Brochure: For the Future Environment of Yokohama

An informative compilation of historic measures taken against pollution during the period of rapid economic growth and the present environmental policies of Yokohama.

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1. An Overview of Yokohama and its History
2. Progress in Development of Cities and Environmental Policies during the High Economic Growth Period
3. Initiatives for Conserving Natural and Living Environments that Surround Us
4. Initiatives for Preserving the Global Environment
5. Preparing for Natural Disasters through Environmental Measures
6. To be Able to Entrust a Good Environment to Future Generations

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Chame ID: 355-613-284