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Eco2 Cities

Última data atualizada: 2024/1/29

Yokohama has been selected as an Eco2 City.


In 2009, the World Bank proposed the Ecological Cities as Economic Cities (Eco2 Cities) Initiative for solution of urban problems in developing countries.
The Initiative is a strategy for urban development aimed at sustainable city-building through harmonization of ecological and economic ends. It assists developing countries in their programs of development while systematically incorporating successful precedents from Eco2 cities around the world.
Yokohama was selected as one of the first six Eco2 cities embodying success in this respect.
In addition to its record of achievement, the existence of many companies with excellent environmental technology in Japan led to the choice of Yokohama as the site of the first international conference of Eco2 cities in October 2010 (Eco2 2010 Yokohama International Conference on Eco2 Cities).
In accordance with the Yokohama Declaration adopted at the Conference, Yokohama is committed to international contribution in partnership with the World Bank and JICA, which provide assistance to developing countries.

>>Sobre cidades de Eco2

Affiliated Sites

The World Bank , JICA

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