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  3. Para Residentes (pessoa que vive em Yokohama)
  4. English
  5. Notificações e Aplicações (informe, aplicação)
  6. Sobre inscrição residente e certificados de residente (com inscrição residente, o certificado de residência)

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Sobre inscrição residente e certificados de residente (com inscrição residente, o certificado de residência)

Última data atualizada: 2020/6/2

When you come to live in Japan, you need to register your residence status at a ward office. This process is called resident registration. All non-Japanese residents who are staying in Japan for the mid- to long-term (i.e. those with a resident card) are required to register at the Family Registry Division of the ward office of the ward in which they live.

When you go through the resident registration process, a resident certificate will be created listing your address, name, date of birth, residence information, and other details. You can use a copy of your resident certificate to prove where you or your family members live.

Where to inquire
ContentContact details
About resident registration and resident certificatesService Desk Division, Ward Support Department, Civic Affairs Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2176
Fax: 045-664-5295
Email: sh-madoguchi@city.yokohama.jp

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